Practical Neurology Podcast

The Practical Neurology Podcast is the essential guide for the everyday life of all neurologists. Just like our journal Practical Neurology, this podcast is useful for everyone who sees neurological patients and who wants to keep up-to-date and safe in managing them. In other words, this is a podcast for jobbing neurologists who plough through the tension headaches and funny turns week in and week out. Subscribe to enjoy deep dives into each journal issue with editors Prof. Philip Smith and Dr. Geraint Fuller, discussions on recent case reports with Prof. Martin Turner, and Editor’s Choice article discussions between authors and Dr. Amy Ross Russell. Practical Neurology - - is included as part of a subscription to JNNP and provided in print to all members of the Association of British Neurologists.

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Tuesday Jan 11, 2022

Practical Neurology Editors Phil Smith and Geraint Fuller talk you through the highlights of the February 2022 issue of the journal.
Read more on the PN website:
The full issue here:
Please subscribe to the Practical Neurology podcast via all podcast platforms, including Apple Podcasts, Google Podcasts, Stitcher and Spotify, to get the latest podcast every month.
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Friday Dec 03, 2021

Dr Amy Ross Russell, Neurology, University Hospital Southampton NHS Foundation Trust, interviews Dr Fahmida Chowdhury and Dr Matthew Walker, both from the National Hospital for Neurology and Neurosurgery, London, about their recent paper, summarising the current literature on localisation in focal epilepsies using illustrative cases and discussing possible pitfalls in localisation.
Read the paper on the Practical Neurology website ( and the December print issue of the journal.
The paper is also discussed by Practical Neurology editors, Dr Phil Smith and Dr Geraint Fuller, in their latest podcast:
Please subscribe to the Practical Neurology podcast via all podcast platforms, including Apple Podcasts, Google Podcasts, Stitcher and Spotify, to get the latest podcast every month.
If you enjoy our podcast, please consider leaving us a review or a comment on the Practical Neurology Podcast iTunes page ( Thank you for listening.

Friday Nov 12, 2021

Practical Neurology Editors Phil Smith and Geraint Fuller talk you through the highlights of the October issue of the journal.
Read more on the PN website:
The full issue here:
Please subscribe to the Practical Neurology podcast via all podcast platforms, including Apple Podcasts, Google Podcasts, Stitcher and Spotify, to get the latest podcast every month.
If you enjoy our podcast, please consider leaving us a review or a comment on the Practical Neurology Podcast iTunes page ( Thank you for listening.

Monday Oct 11, 2021

Autoimmune encephalitis comprises a group of disorders in which the host immune system targets self-antigens expressed in the central nervous system (CNS). Some of the best-characterised diseases are associated with autoantibodies that target neuroglial antigens. These autoantibodies are considered pathogenic because they are directed against the extracellular—and hence in vivo exposed—domains of their target antigens.
Associate Editor of Practical Neurology, Dr Tom Hughes, Department of Neurology, Cardiff, interviews Prof Sarosh R Irani, Oxford Autoimmune Neurology Group, Nuffield Department of Clinical Neurosciences, Oxford University, about his recent paper, in which he summarised the well-known autoantibody-mediated encephalitis syndromes with neuronal cell-surface antigens and focus on practical aspects of their diagnosis and treatment, offer their clinical experiences of managing such cases and highlight more basic neuroimmunological advances that will inform their future diagnosis and treatments.
Read the paper on the Practical Neurology website ( and the October print issue of the journal.
The paper is also discussed by Practical Neurology editors, Dr Phil Smith and Dr Geraint Fuller, in their latest podcast:
Please subscribe to the Practical Neurology podcast via all podcast platforms, including Apple Podcasts, Google Podcasts, Stitcher and Spotify, to get the latest podcast every month.
If you enjoy our podcast, please consider leaving us a review or a comment on the Practical Neurology Podcast iTunes page ( Thank you for listening.

Friday Sep 10, 2021

Practical Neurology Editors Phil Smith and Geraint Fuller talk you through the highlights of the October issue of the journal.
Read more on the PN website:
The full issue here:
Please subscribe to the Practical Neurology podcast via all podcast platforms, including Apple Podcasts, Google Podcasts, Stitcher and Spotify, to get the latest podcast every month.
If you enjoy our podcast, please consider leaving us a review or a comment on the Practical Neurology Podcast iTunes page ( Thank you for listening.

Friday Aug 06, 2021

As the number of people with dementia worldwide approaches 50 million, the need for early and accurate diagnosis is more urgent than ever. However, the biggest challenge is often suspecting dementia in the first place and deciding why this is not ‘just’ Alzheimer’s disease.
Associate Editor of Practical Neurology, Dr Tom Hughes, Department of Neurology, Cardiff, interviews Dr Jeremy Johnson and Dr Jason Warren, both from the Dementia Research Centre, UCL Queen Square Institute of Neurology, London, about their recent paper, in which they outline a practical, symptom-led, bedside approach to suspecting dementia and its likely diagnosis, inspired by clinical experience and based on recognition of characteristic syndromic patterns.
You can read the paper on the Practical Neurology website ( and the August print issue of the journal.
The paper is also discussed by Practical Neurology editors, Dr Phil Smith and Dr Geraint Fuller, in their latest podcast:
Please subscribe to the Practical Neurology podcast via all podcast platforms, including Apple Podcasts, Google Podcasts, Stitcher and Spotify, to get the latest podcast every month.
If you enjoy our podcast, please consider leaving us a review or a comment on the Practical Neurology Podcast iTunes page ( Thank you for listening.

Tuesday Jul 06, 2021

Practical Neurology Editors Phil Smith and Geraint Fuller talk you through the highlights of the August issue of the journal.
Read more on the PN website:
The full issue here:
Please subscribe to the Practical Neurology podcast via all podcast platforms, including Apple Podcasts, Google Podcasts, Stitcher and Spotify.

Thursday May 20, 2021

Practical Neurology Editors Phil Smith and Geraint Fuller talk you through the highlights of the June issue of the journal.
Read more on the PN website:
The full issue here:
Please subscribe to the Practical Neurology podcast via all podcast platforms, including Apple Podcasts, Google Podcasts, Stitcher and Spotify.

Wednesday Apr 14, 2021

Practical Neurology Editors Phil Smith and Geraint Fuller talk you through the highlights of the April issue of the journal.
Read more on the PN website:
The full issue here:
Please subscribe to the Practical Neurology podcast via all podcast platforms, including Apple Podcasts, Google Podcasts, Stitcher and Spotify.

Sunday Feb 21, 2021

Practical Neurology Editors Phil Smith and Geraint Fuller talk you through the highlights of the February issue of the journal.
Read more on the PN website:
The full issue here:

The purpose of this podcast is to educate and to inform. The content of this podcast does not constitute medical advice and it is not intended to function as a substitute for a healthcare practitioner’s judgement, patient care or treatment. The views expressed by contributors are those of the speakers. BMJ does not endorse any views or recommendations discussed or expressed on this podcast. Listeners should also be aware that professionals in the field may have different opinions. By listening to this podcast, listeners agree not to use its content as the basis for their own medical treatment or for the medical treatment of others.

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