Tuesday Jul 29, 2014
Lucky Man: A review of Michael J Fox’s memoir
Michael J Fox, star of the Back to the Future trilogy, was born in 1961, moved to Hollywood aged 18 and while avidly lapping up the customary attention and refreshments, he developed Parkinson’s disease.
He has now authored a memoir describing his experience of the disease alongside his career as an actor. PN editor Phil Smith gathered the PN book club to discuss the memoir with Fox's neurologist from the Brigham and Women's Hospital, Allan Ropper, and in this podcast you can hear his thoughts, as well as contributions from book club lead Katherine Harding, Department of Neurology, University Hospital of Wales, and Huw Morris, expert in early onset Parkinson's, National Hospital for Neurology and Neurosurgery.
You can also hear each contributor's interview in full.
Allan Ropper: http://goo.gl/tsl2p3
Katherine Harding: http://goo.gl/8B6ENw
Huw Morris: http://goo.gl/3gRqNY
Read Dr Harding's review of 'Lucky Man': http://pn.bmj.com/content/14/4/283.full